E il post potrebbe chiudersi qui ma mi sembra
giusto parlarvene un po’!
Il Dottore è un Signore del Tempo del pianeta
Gallifrey. Lui viaggia a bordo del T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) una macchina senziente che è
in grado di attraversare lo spazio e il tempo usando il cosiddetto "vortice
La serie TV
è prodotta dalla BBC: le prime stagioni da quella inglese, le nuove da quella
Gallese. Il progetto, infatti, è partito nel 1963, è stato abbandonato alla
fine degli anni ottanta e poi ripreso prima con un film TV a metà degli anni 90
e poi definitivamente nel 2005.
It's my favourite series.
And the post could be over with that, but it seems fair to talk about it!
The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. He travels with the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimension In Space), a sentiet machine that's able to travel through time and space using the so called "time vortex".
The TV series is produced by BBC: the first seasons from the English one, the new ones from the Welsh. As a matter of fact, the project started on 1963, was abandoned at the end of the 80s, started again first with a movie on TV during the 90s then started again in 2005.
It's my favourite series.
And the post could be over with that, but it seems fair to talk about it!
The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. He travels with the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimension In Space), a sentiet machine that's able to travel through time and space using the so called "time vortex".
The TV series is produced by BBC: the first seasons from the English one, the new ones from the Welsh. As a matter of fact, the project started on 1963, was abandoned at the end of the 80s, started again first with a movie on TV during the 90s then started again in 2005.
Nessuno sa
bene che aspetto ha il Dottore. Spesso chi lo ha già incontrato non lo
riconosce perché lui può cambiare aspetto. Infatti in caso di un infortunio o
di una malattia che sarebbe fatale, può mutare le sue sembianze e, in parte, la
personalità tramite una "rigenerazione" (fino ad ora sono stati 11 gli attori che hanno
interpretato il Dorrote e, voci di corridoio ora ufficiali, dicono che a breve ci sarà il
12°). Il Dottore è quasi sempre accompagnato da un terrestre (spesso una donna
ma anche delle coppie) insieme al quale affronta molti nemici, salva intere
civiltà, pianeti e persone comuni. Questi compagni spesso lo lasciano per
tornare alle loro vite o, a volte, è lui ad abbandonarli per evitare che
muoiano. Un personaggio che ricorre spesso nelle nuove stagioni ed è River Song(Melody Pond) che, si scoprirà, è la moglie del dottore! Ha, ovviamente, anche
dei nemici ricorrenti come i Dalek, gli angeli e i Cibermen che incontra almeno
un volta per stagione!
No one knows what's the Doctor's real face. Often, those who have already met him don't recognize him because he can change his appearance. Infact, in case of an grave injurie or a deadly sickness, he can change his appearance and, partly, his personality through a "regeneration" (until this moment the actors that played the Doctor have been 11 and, rumours now official, say there's gonna be a 12th). The Doctor is almost always travelling with a terrestrial (often a woman but also couples) along with he faces many enemies, saves entire civilizations, planets and normal people. Those companions often leave him to get back to their lives or, at times, is He that abandones them to avoid their death. A character that you can see often in the new series is River Song (Melody Pond) which is, as we'll soon find out, is the Doctor's Wife! He has, of course, many enemies that we can find often like Daleks, the angels and the Cibermen that he meets at least once a season!
No one knows what's the Doctor's real face. Often, those who have already met him don't recognize him because he can change his appearance. Infact, in case of an grave injurie or a deadly sickness, he can change his appearance and, partly, his personality through a "regeneration" (until this moment the actors that played the Doctor have been 11 and, rumours now official, say there's gonna be a 12th). The Doctor is almost always travelling with a terrestrial (often a woman but also couples) along with he faces many enemies, saves entire civilizations, planets and normal people. Those companions often leave him to get back to their lives or, at times, is He that abandones them to avoid their death. A character that you can see often in the new series is River Song (Melody Pond) which is, as we'll soon find out, is the Doctor's Wife! He has, of course, many enemies that we can find often like Daleks, the angels and the Cibermen that he meets at least once a season!
Veniamo ora
al suo favoloso mezzo di trasposto. Il T.A.R.D.I.S. non è una semplice
macchina: il Dottore infatti afferma che venivano
"allevati". Nella prima stagione della nuova serie si parla del fatto
che il T.A.R.D.I.S. abbia una "propria volontà" e nella sesta stagione si apprende che ha un'anima senziente e che ha scelto il Dottore come
"mezzo" per esplorare l'Universo. L'aspetto esterno è
quello di una cabina blu della polizia inglese (in una puntata il Dottore afferma che ha quell’aspetto perché durante un viaggio si è
rotto il meccanismo di mimetizzazione). L’interno, invece, oltre ad essere più
grande che all’esterno non è mai uguale; anche il T.A.R.D.I.S. è in grado di cambiare
aspetto e spesso lo fa quando ci sono grandi cambiamenti nel Dottore, sia
fisici (dopo le rigenerazioni) che spirituali (dopo la perdita di un compagno
di viaggio).
Now let's talk about his mean of transport. The T.A.R.D.I.S. is not just a machine: the Doctor says that they used to be "bred". In the first season they talk about the fact that the T.A.R.D.I.S. has "its own will" and in the sixth season we come to know that it has a knowing soul and that it chose the Doctor has "mean" to explore the Universe. The exterior it's the one of a english police phone box (in an episode the Doctor says that it has that aspect because its camouflage mechanism broke during a trip). Instead the interior it's never the same; the T.A.R.D.I.S., too, is able to change appearance and it does it when there're great changes in the Doctor, physical (after the regenarations) or spiritual ( the loss of a companion).
Now let's talk about his mean of transport. The T.A.R.D.I.S. is not just a machine: the Doctor says that they used to be "bred". In the first season they talk about the fact that the T.A.R.D.I.S. has "its own will" and in the sixth season we come to know that it has a knowing soul and that it chose the Doctor has "mean" to explore the Universe. The exterior it's the one of a english police phone box (in an episode the Doctor says that it has that aspect because its camouflage mechanism broke during a trip). Instead the interior it's never the same; the T.A.R.D.I.S., too, is able to change appearance and it does it when there're great changes in the Doctor, physical (after the regenarations) or spiritual ( the loss of a companion).
La serie è una delle più longeve della storia
e, con i suoi 700 e più episodi, è stata inserita nel Guinness World Records, ha dato vita a un paio film TV, riviste specializzate, fumetti, DVD,
videogiochi, merchandising vario e diversi spin-off sia per adulti (Torchwood)
che per bambini (The Sarah Jane Adventures) in cui sono presenti alcuni
personaggi che hanno viaggiato con il Dottore.
A Cardiff è stato allestito un intero museo a
tema, the Doctor Who Experience!
Il 23
novembre 2013 saranno 50 anni di messa in onda e, in quell’occasione, verrà
trasmesso un episodio speciale che dovrebbe coprire il “buco” tra le due serie.
Non vedo l'ora!!!!
Baci Ale
The series is one of the longeval of history and, with its more than 700 episode, it entered the Guinness World Records, gave life to a couple of movies for TV, journals, comic books, DVD, videogames, merchandising and a couple of spin-offs, one mostly for adults (Torchwood) and one mostly for kids (The Sarah Jane Adventures) where there are characters that travelled with the Doctor.
In Cardiff has been set a theme museum, the Doctor Who Experience!
For the 50th anniversary, which will be on november 23rd, there'll a special episode that will be the cover up for the "gap" between the last and the new series!
I can't wait!!!!
Baci Ale
The series is one of the longeval of history and, with its more than 700 episode, it entered the Guinness World Records, gave life to a couple of movies for TV, journals, comic books, DVD, videogames, merchandising and a couple of spin-offs, one mostly for adults (Torchwood) and one mostly for kids (The Sarah Jane Adventures) where there are characters that travelled with the Doctor.
In Cardiff has been set a theme museum, the Doctor Who Experience!
For the 50th anniversary, which will be on november 23rd, there'll a special episode that will be the cover up for the "gap" between the last and the new series!
I can't wait!!!!
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