My sister is the one that downloads recipes from Pinterest, while I'm the one that says "Yum, I should try this one!" but then never does! Accomplices laziness and short memory (or too full!)! So, while she was away, my mom and I went let her house refresh, I stole her notebook thinking that I could try at home the experiment that we trying a couple of weeks ago, since we liked it, and that we called HAPPY CHICKEN, because we were tired of simple, boring hot-plate chicken!
Per questa ricetta serviranno: 2-3 fette di petto di pollo, 2 cucchiai di salsa di soia, succo di 1 arancia piccola, 1 cucchiaio di zucchero di canna, 1 cucchiaino di olio, 1 spicchio d'aglio, 1 cucchiaino di zenzero.
Io ho deciso di tagliare il pollo a strisce ma se voi preferite potete lasciare le fette intere. In una ciotolina mischiate tutti gli altri ingredienti per bene, lo spicchio d'aglio l'ho lasciato intero ma l'ho spellato e schiacciato con la lama del coltello ( come fa il Principe Mezzosangue, aka Piton, per il distillato di morte vivente!!!). Ho messo dentro una busta riutilizzabile dell'IKEA la carne, poi ho aggiunto l'aglio e il resto della marinata. Ho richiuso e messo in frigo per 30 min. Una volta pronto, mettete un filo d'olio in padella e mettete il pollo e poca marinata, perchè il resto ci servirà verso fine cottura per fare un buon sughetto!!!
Ed è pronto!!!
Fatemi sapere, se lo proverete anche voi, che ne pensate e... Bon Appétit dalla vostra Feddy
P.S.: scusate per la qualità delle foto, non sono riuscita a farle come desideravo, ma ci tenevo a rendervi partecipi!!! :-)
For this recipe you'll need: 2-3 slices of chicken breast, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 little orange juice, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of oil, 1 garlic clove, 1 teaspoon of ginger.
I decided to cut the chicken into strips but if you want you can keep the slices as they are. In a little bowl I mixed well all the ingredients, I left the garlic clove whole, I just peeled it and crushed it with the blade of the knife (like the Half Blood Prince, aka Snape, does in the draght of living death!!!). I put the meat into a IKEA reusable food bag, then I added the garlic and the rest of the marinade. I closed it and put it into the fridge for 30 minutes. Once it's done, put a little bit of oil in your pan and add the chicken and very little marinade, because we'll need the rest towards the end of the cooking for a yummy sauce!!!
And it's ready!!!
Let me know, if you'll try it, what do you think and...Bon Appétit from your Feddy
P.S.: I apologize for the photo quality, but, even if I couldn't do it as I wanted, I wanted to let you all part of it!!! :-)
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